Saturday, August 19, 2006

Maryland Feingold - The Gathering

It finally happened - an all-out Maryland Feingold Food and Fun Fest! Four Feingold families gathered at Teresa's house to meet other feingolders and have a day of fun and relaxation with other families who just "get it". It was sooo nice! Teresa's home was perfect for the event. She had plenty of room inside and out for the 17 children and their families. This picture is of all the children with the exception of Nathan and two toddlers. Thankfully, Quinn is actually wearing his pants for this one....

Teresa had the great idea to color code the food according to Feingold stage 1, Feingold stage 2 and SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet). Each child had a coordinating color coded dot on their nametag so they could simply match their dots to their food. It was pure genius, really. The children were thrilled to have a safe place to eat and eat they did! Philip even got a bun for his hamburger and hotdogs too! I think he would have eaten until he exploded if we'd let him.

This was a big plus for us - Philip made a true friend! He and Connor hit it off - both on the autism spectrum and both on SCD. They didn't seem to notice each other's quirks and they could share popsicles by the poolside. It was a match made in Heaven!

I was thrilled to finally turn a few internet friends into real life friends. Eileen spent quite a bit of time with Nathan in her lap and I had a great time just sitting and chatting with her and Sharon and Teresa while the dads discussed computers, jobs and the joys of raising Feingold children.

There were no worries. If someone had a tantrum or did something a little odd, well, we'd all been there done that. It really wasn't a big deal. We didn't have to explain ourselves or our children, we didn't have to worry about the wrong food getting into the right child and our children could just relax and be kids.
This picture of JT sums up the day.

Cheers to Feingold!!

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