Thursday, August 24, 2006
What would you do for a mango pit?
tidying up the playroom, girls' room and basement
washing dishes
washing windows
washing the door
As soon as the boys realized the stakes involved they dismissed themselves from the bidding and let the girls have at it. "No mango pit is worth all that!" Ben commented. Regardless of the truth of that statement, I now have some very clean windows!

Monday, August 21, 2006
Happy (Burp) Day John Michael!

Well, the big brothers get a real kick out of actually playing with the thing anyway - when they aren't chasing down John Michael and David for any number of the ONE HUNDRED PIECES that are being relocated throughout the house.
The Big Rebellion
Anyway, I guess Maegan figured since she was 18 and finally graduated from high school it was time for a big rebellion. Problem was, she just couldn't decide if it would be a body piercing or a tatoo...So, of course, being the rebellious type that she is, she headed off to the library to research her two options. After reading a bit too much for comfort on belly button piercings, she decided a tatoo might be safer, less painful and more fun. So she decided on a tatoo of a cross for the top of her foot - just two lines - very simple. Her mom was thrilled. "Oh let us take you and pay for it!" she cried. "Absolutely not, Mom!" Maegan retorted. "You will not pay for my rebellion!" And so she agreed to let her Mom and Dad drive her to the tatoo venue...but she would *not* let them pay. That tatoo "artist" took one look at her simple design plan and had a rebellion of his own. "I will not put that on your body," he said. After a little convincing they came to a compromise and Maegan allowed him to add a bit of texture to his artwork.
We saw her tatoo last weekend. She took off her shoe and sock to show it to us - a tiny cross made out of 4 bubbly lines on the top of her foot. "It's permanent!" She announced. "Which is why I chose that spot." I'm sure identifying the best part of her body to tatoo was also part of her research...and who says homeschoolers don't learn anything?!
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Maryland Feingold - The Gathering

Teresa had the great idea to color code the food according to Feingold stage 1, Feingold stage 2 and SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet). Each child had a coordinating color coded dot on their nametag so they could simply match their dots to their food. It was pure genius, really. The children were thrilled to have a safe place to eat and eat they did! Philip even got a bun for his hamburger and hotdogs too! I think he would have eaten until he exploded if we'd let him.

This was a big plus for us - Philip made a true friend! He and Connor hit it off - both on the autism spectrum and both on SCD. They didn't seem to notice each other's quirks and they could share popsicles by the poolside. It was a match made in Heaven!

I was thrilled to finally turn a few internet friends into real life friends. Eileen spent quite a bit of time with Nathan in her lap and I had a great time just sitting and chatting with her and Sharon and Teresa while the dads discussed computers, jobs and the joys of raising Feingold children.

There were no worries. If someone had a tantrum or did something a little odd, well, we'd all been there done that. It really wasn't a big deal. We didn't have to explain ourselves or our children, we didn't have to worry about the wrong food getting into the right child and our children could just relax and be kids.

This picture of JT sums up the day.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Wish I'd had a camera...
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Happy Birthday Davey!

The soccer ball made a big impression. He carried that around for the night, trying desperately to bounce it and insisting it was a basketball. Today he picked up the underpants and, after trying them out on his head, clutched them in his little hands and showed them to anyone who walked by - including Nathan's visitors for the day. All in all, I think it was a roaring success of a birthday.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
The Birth of Nathan Lee
The other thing I got to do all new this time was write up a birth plan. Actually, I just filled out a form on-line and checked off options we would like during labor and delivery. I specified things like being able to wear my own clothes, intermittent fetal monitoring, no drug intervention at all, a peaceful, quiet and dark atmosphere to labor, my husband to cut the cord, baby immediately to breast and being able to move about during labor in whatever spot I found most comfortable. The birth plan went to my midwives who put it in my file awaiting the BIG DAY.
Well, Saturday wasn't my day but Sunday was! Like I posted before, I spent the day on Saturday doing as much activity as I could to try to entice little Nathan to come out into the big wide, world. It actually seemed to have worked this time. By Saturday night I was completely tuckered out, plopped myself into bed and spent a restless night having regular contractions all through the night. This was a good sign, as up until then any contractions I was having while up and about would always stop shortly after I got myself horizontal - so horizontal and still contracting was good!
About 6:00 am I got up and sat in my most comfy chair (a wheeled desk chair w/good back support which was the salvation of this entire pregnancy!) and continued to contract. I looked up a contraction timer on-line and started timing the contractions once they really started to feel pretty strong. By 8:30 they were timing at about 4-5 minutes apart and lasting over 1 1/2 minutes. They were strong, long and regular - looked like Nathan's arrival was imminent! We had called the midwife at about 8:00 and she said to come on in whenever we felt comfortable. Knowing my history of going quickly once I get dilated, we didn't want to wait too long and we really felt this was going to happen quickly since things seemed to be progressing. So about 9:00 we showed up at the hospital after phoning in for reserve forces on the homefront (fortunately Michelle and Dan had opted to go to the Saturday evening mass!). Surely this baby would be here by 11:00 - we were sure we had timed it just right!
I was thrilled when, upon my arrival, the nurse immediately began to ask me questions which clearly indicated she had already reviewed and familiarized herself with our birth plan. This was all new to me - the idea that *we* were in control of this delivery! In fact, at the end of the day she did say this had been a very different delivery for her because she had been able to be so hands-off and just observe and be there when needed. Because I already knew what I wanted to wear and where I wanted to labor, she pretty much left us alone. I chose a rocking chair in the room w/good back support and spent the first hour or two at the hospital in the appearance of sleep, relaxing and working through contractions. The difference was incredible. Instead of feeling the pain of each contraction, I was able to feel the power of my body surging to bring my Nathan into the world. My husband was amazed at the difference. He was so incredulous with how relaxed I appeared that he took many pictures of me in labor. This picture is me sitting up in the bed, fully dilated and in the middle of a transition contraction! I felt so at peace and in control! By this time w/the other labors, I was screaming and crying and giving it up for the epidural...

I don't know if retaining the water made it happen or God just had an odd plan for this delivery but just as I got fully dilated my contractions slowed down dramatically. It finally got to the point where I was having them only every 15 - 20 minutes apart and I actually went *backwards* to 8 cm dilated. I thought I should be pushing by now but apparently there was some other plan. I would have a big contraction, we'd all get geared up for those pushing urges and then.....nothing. We found ourselves just sitting around looking at each other and wondering what to do next. I think God provided that little intermission because a few contractions into that odd lull in the labor my midwife had to leave to deliver a 33 week old baby. The mom had thought she was just having braxton hicks contractions and when she arrived at the hospital was already fully dilated and ready to deliver. So our midwife left to handle that situation (the baby weighed over 5 lbs and was just fine - Praise the Lord! We watched her contractions and her baby's heartbeat on the monitor in our LDR and could see exactly when the baby was born) and by the time she returned to me I'd had a total of, oh, maybe TWO more contractions!
But things kicked in a bit more swiftly after that and I found myself ready to push the little guy out. Now, I had never done this before - I'd always pushed w/an epidural so I had someone telling me when to push, how to push and even holding on to my legs since I had no feeling in them but this time I was sort of on my own - keeping with this theme that *we* were in control! I had never pushed out a baby in more than 3 pushes but this time it took more like 7 or 8 and I was TIRED by then! I had a mirror and could see everything happening and I just sort of expected to push a time or two and out he would slide but I pushed a time or two and there was nothing. The midwife did manage to finally get the bag of waters broken which helped to get him out but my contractions were still about 5 or so minutes apart so there was long waiting between opportunities to push. At long last, I pushed his little head out and that was an eerie feeling - I could see the little head hanging out there but the contraction was over and I was afraid he would strangle if I waited 5 more minutes to get the rest of the body out. I begged my midwife for advice - "What do I do now?!" She answered with just the voice of clarity I needed "You push again." I mustered all the strength I had left in my body and out came a whole, live, wonderful human being! We did it!! This pic is right out of the womb and straight to Mama. I was so happy to have him there but sooo tired too..
They let him stick around Mama for awhile and once he got used to the light in his little face he immediately wanted to nurse. He was a good little nurser right form the start and he got lots of time to start and finish the job. In the meantime, Dad got to cut the cord and take pictures of the placenta (he's always been fascinated by that...) Nathan was with me for a good long while before they took him to get weighed...9 lb 7 oz!
And heated up under the warmer:
He loved that warmer!
Some time later he got his bath and got his jammies on.
Then he and I had a night and a day to hang out at the hospital doing all the stupid hospitaly things until he was finally released 24 hours after delivery. Here he is all ready to go home. He had a nice little going home outfit which he immediately wee-ed all over so back he went into his gown. He managed to wee all over just about everybody and everything that got close to him in those 24 hours...
And was it ever good to be HOME! The big brothers and sisters are so happy to have him here. They scramble to be next to hold and cuddle him. I love this discovery JT made - I wonder if Nathan will ever grow into JT's shoes?
I'm sure, though, that God has some shoes of his own just for Nathan to grow into...