Friday, October 10, 2008

Cheese Laid an Egg


Two Ducks In a Pear Tree

I got another call last week from our Russian friend. Sadly, she and her husband are divorcing and on Monday she flew back to Russia to get a new start on life. But before she left she had a few things to take care of - including her two ducks and some foliage. Ben, Betsy, JM and I set out Sunday evening for the hour drive after having removed most of the seats from the van. We came home with a pear tree, a plum tree, a tassle of strawberry plants (which have all since been planted), a black currant bush (which now has a new home with my sister), several boxes of misc stuff (still awaiting sorting and freecycling), a huge bag of fabric for the girls to "make doll clothes" (that's a lot of naked babies being clothed!) and two ducks complete with galvanized steel tub for swimming and tons of poultry feed. I don't know how I get myself into these things but I do. For years I have been saying that I wanted to plant a pear tree and what are the chances of someone calling me up and telling me to come get a pear tree out of her yard? It was an offer I couldn't refuse. It just so happened to come with two ducks thrown in. We named the ducks Cheese and Quackers. We were thrilled when Cheese produced the very first ever egg in our poultry history the very next morning, and has continued to produce daily since. I'm off to change my profile once again...


Anonymous said...

Would you send me pictures of your ever growing farm?
I thought I was the only person wanting a pear tree.

Do you live in a rural area or are your neighbors going to start calling fowl? (couldn't resist that ?)
My friend had a duck named Buddie who was a chronic egg layer. Before she knew better my friend would take the eggs & buddie duck would lay another.When Buddie started limping the vet told her to leave the eggs so Buddie would have some to sit on(even though there was no Mr Buddie Duck) becuase the "chronic egg laying" was causing a calcium loss. she had to put vitamins in Buddie's water.

Amy Lynn said...

Hi Mary! :)

I LOVE your duck's names. You are so creative. :)

Amy Lynn