Saturday, April 18, 2009

Opening Day

We had opening day today for both Ben's baseball league and JM and David's tball league. David is so excited to finally entered the world of Organized Sports complete with a uniform, team and equipment. They looked so cute in their uniforms - esp with the socks that still gave them elephant ankles even when pulled up to their thighs underneath those cool baseball pants. It's hard to believe Ben was this age and drowning in his uniform not too terribly long ago.

Tad got JM and David's excitement while I took Ben to get his team picture and have an opening day scrimmage. The weather was gorgeous and Ben's team looks pretty good this year. Ben loves to get that bat in his hands and here he is on 3rd base.I think the score was tied for the scrimmage.

JM and David somehow got to hold the official team banner and lead up their team in the opening day parade.This should be an...interesting....season as we have these three on the baseball fields, Philip and Miriam playing badmitton with the therapeutic rec program, Miriam and Ruth finishing up their dance season with a recital on their dad's birthday in May, and JT running track and field with all the requisite Saturday track meets. I think I have breathing scheduled for sometime early-June just before rugby starts and travel soccer try-outs....

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