Over the years I've learned everything about Mary. She calls me on the phone at the most random times and we have hour long conversations. I've heard all about her children - one of whom grew up in Tad's circles and when a mutual friend of theirs died at a too young age they reconnected at the funeral. When her daughter was in a terrible car accident I prayed hard for her and her unborn baby. That unborn baby has since become a tall and athletic young man but he'll always be "my Michael" when Mary talks about him to me. I never met these people - they've come alive to me over the years in our phone conversations. Her people became my people and they never knew it. One day Mary called me up and said "I know what your baby looks like and I know where she was the other day and I know she's really cute. Do you know how I know all that?" I hadn't a clue except that she's Mary and Mary just seems to know things about me. Turns out "my Michael" is Mick - the kid with long, curly hair on JT's travel soccer team and I had unknowingly developed a side-lines friendship with "my Julie", Mary's daughter. Turns out I know things about Mary that even "my Julie" doesn't know.
My kids love Mary. She shows up at completely random times, always loaded down with goodies she's bought on clearance at the Dollar Store (only Mary could find clearance items at the Dollar Store). She sweeps into the door demanding hugs and kisses and showering the kids with lots of "oh you've gotten so tall"s and "is that really you?! I never would known it - you've grown up so much"s.
After a few minutes of that she gets real serious and pulls them all up around her and says, "You know what I want now. It's time to sing me a song." Ben will step forward and start a rousing rendition of My Mommy's A Pirate or the German Water Drinking Song - which always makes her laugh - before I steer them into a church song we've been learning - most recently the hymn to the Theotokos - which always makes her cry.
Mary loves babies. Over the years she's done things like rock drug babies in the hospital, prepared maybe as many as a thousand bassinets for young mothers who have nothing for their new babies - and taught us how to prepare them as well. She's prayed for babies she's never met and she's held every one of my babies. She grandmothers women who have had abortions and loves them out of their pain at Rachel's Vineyard retreats. She spends equally as much time with the elderly. She's just awesome like that.
Somehow I always know when Mary is going to call. I can feel it in my soul and then the phone rings. She always leaves me with nuggets of wisdom - usually the very same things I've been grappling with in my spirit are the thoughts she names for me. "It is what it is", "The older I get the less I know", "Children are so much smarter than the rest of us." She collects stories and shares her personal pilgrimage through life with me and then she listens as I share mine. Everyone needs a Mary. Who is yours?
What a deep blessing. I have people who bless me too, but not like your Mary. She is really special!
Everyone, I guess, is given who they need...
That was the most amazing post I have ever read. God bless your Mary, Mair. She was sent from above. Love, Ginny
What a blessing!
nice&good thanks
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