I found a homeschooling convention in VA, just south of DC, which featured several folks whose focus is in the arts. There was a lot about creative writing but I was interested in the folks with a performance bent. Jim Weiss was there with lots of stories to tell and he gave us some food for thought about how to continue to incorporate story and drama into our homeschooling and family life. The conversations pursuing Jim's presentations drew us back to the idea of a family performance. That idea was in full bloom many months ago and took a back seat to the birth of Tali, the changing of churches and the passing of days. We'll see how those conversations continue to unfold in the days to come.
Traveling to the conference was an opportunity for checking in with each other - something we haven't been able to do for some time between the haze of sleeplessness which characterizes the parents of newborns. We put some Orthodox Liturgical music into the CD player and dove into the ins and outs of the frayed edges of our lives. Somewhere in there, Tad was convinced to start posting on his blog (which he set up some months ago), I was released from some fears and insecurities I've been experiencing as of late, we kicked around some of the kids' current therapeutic issues and how to handle them and we discussed certain tenets of Orthodox theology ad nauseum.
This was the same weekend for which we had gotten Tad tickets to a Weird Al Yankovic concert for his birthday. Not knowing the state of my body or the temperament of our baby at the time, I had set it up as a guy's night out with our neighbor Mark. Mark was gracious enough to bow out when I explained to him that we were hoping our change of plans could make it a big date night instead. So we traveled from DC back to Baltimore (through agonizingly slow traffic much to Tad's chagrin) and arrived with plenty of time to feed the baby, kick back and enjoy the demographics. Most of the audience was white, about our age or a bit older - many with their 5-10 year old children (which I would *not* recommend - there were some raunchy parts of the concert I did not enjoy and am definitely glad my pre-teens did not experience). There was a preponderance of Hawain print shirts, guys with long hair obviously trying to emulate Weird Al and they all looked like they might have a wallet full of autographed science fiction actor head shots which they would be pleased to whip out and show you at a moment's notice. Weird Al's song, White and Nerdy summed up this crowd succinctly. This concert was a dream come true for Tad. He'd been wanting to see Weird Al in concert for going on 25 years now and he wasn't disappointed.
From the concert, we drove back to DC to a hotel. We arrived there around 1:00 am, I fed Tali and got her down in the porta crib around 2:00am. Then my baby, who hasn't slept for longer than a 2 1/2 hour stretch in the past two weeks, slept for 6 1/2 hours straight! I had to wake her up at 8:00 am because I was afraid *I* was going to pop!
We returned to the conference for Day Two where Tad spent his day tracking down Dr. Keller, the author of RealScience 4 Kids. In his experience, quality homeschool science curriculum is hard to come by and he's been really impressed with this one which he's been using to teach JT and Ben for the past year. After he got over the shock of discovering he is a she, he found a kindred spirit in Dr. Keller's manner of presentation. Much of our subsequent car conversations centered around the brilliant simplicity of her approach to science.
I, on the other hand, spent my day looking forward to Steve Demme's presentation. He is the creator of our math program, Math U See, but he also happens to have a son with Down Syndrome about whom he was scheduled to speak on Saturday afternoon. Tad and I enjoyed hearing him talk about the joys and trials of raising a child with special needs. I found him to be kind, genuine and full of joy and faith. His talk was a refreshing reminder of the blessings of our kids with special needs. He spoke about a Joni and Friends family retreat he went to with other families of children with disabilities. He said the disabilities were varied and quite noticeable the first day or two of the retreat. However, as the week progressed he found that he noticed the outward disabilities less and less and all the folks there became just folks. I carried that thought with me as Tad and I wrapped up our weekend with a last minute excursion to Shore Leave 30, culminating our White and Nerdy weekend.
While we missed the bulk of the convention we made it there in time for the Saturday evening Masquerade - a parade of contestants clad in science fiction themed costumes who compete for convention's best awards.
After the Masquerade we were entertained by the filk-singing group, Boogie Knights,
While the demographics of the conference may be aging, I thoroughly enjoyed my Masquerade seat-mate immensely. Her name was Faith and she and her daughter were members of a starship from Connecticutt who had traveled here together. Faith was kind enough to let me take her picture in her Starfleet uniform
As Faith and her daughter wandered back into the hotel, Faith turned to us and said, "I'm so glad you two got to get away." Then with a knowing twinkle in her eye she left us with, "That's what's going to keep you sweethearts."
Well done, sweetheart!
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