Sunday, September 23, 2007

Mr. Egghead

We came back from vacation and harvested what remained in the garden. That included a shirt-tail full of peppers and plum tomatoes, 3 weenie watermelons the size of golf balls and one the size of a softball and this eggplant, the only survivor of 3 eggplant plants: We were delighted to see that God had given him a pointy little nose and he quickly became part of the family. Here he is posing for his family portraits. There has been some discussion of making him the star of an animated short set on our kitchen counter (don't tell the VeggieTales folks). My dear husband suggested I try to sell him on e-bay and be sure to link my blog so I, too, can get thousands of adoring fans reading my witty and yet insightful remarks. I think we'll just cook him for dinner tomorrow night with our pork roast....


Anonymous said...


You can't cook Mr Egghead! Come on, everyone -- show your support for the little eggy guy. Save Mr. Egghead!

LucisMomma said...

That is too funny, Mary! I agree that everyone should be exposed/subjected to (ha!) to your funny and insightful remarks...

susan w from FG

John Fast said...

I support Mr. Egg(plant)head too.

Anonymous said...


What could he have done to be condemned to the pot?? What will the kids say (besides yum?)


norksquad said...

I say boil him, cook him, throw him in a stew!


Anonymous said...

Oh let my little boy have some fun. Besides he never like squash, eggplant, etc. when I tried to fix it either. Love you all,


Anonymous said...

How do you have the time with 9! - I cant find time to decorate an egg with just the 2 - let alone an egg plant. Mr Egghead could live at our house - most vegetables are quite safe.