Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Bladder Adjustment

Ok, this may go under the Too Much Information classification but I am just fascinated with this idea. It all started way long ago in elem school when I was told I had a mild case of scoliosis. I was carted to a couple of doctors who did absolutely nothing for me except to tell me to do abdominal exercises to strengthen my abs so I could use them to straighten out my posture. I have done those exercises faithfully on and off for years but each time I did them for a long period of time I would end up with improved posture and chronic *lower* back pain.

So....fast forward to last January. I went to the chiropractor to find out if *he* could help me with my posture by somehow manipulating all those little vertebrae and making them stand up to attention. Guess what he told me? Go strengthen your abs and come back to me. Hmmmm...

So I joined Curves, faithfully went my 3 days a week and guess what happened... improved posture, chronic lower back pain. After about 6 months of that and reaching the point to where the back pain was becoming unbearable, I returned to the chiropractor. He told me he suspects that due to a congenital deformity my spine is actually too curved at the bottom so when I stand up straight my vertebrae are rubbing together unnaturally, thus the back pain. He does think he can help me but that's sort of another story....

Now, when I went to him this morning I was in pain but I told him I am always in pain in the morning and it seems to be related to my bladder. During my labor with Nathan I managed to hold in quite a bit throughout the whole labor rather than emptying my bladder regularly and that made for what seemed like a bladder injury when I started to push. Ever since then, my bladder has ached throughout the night unless I get up regularly to empty it and, somehow, just makes that back pain worse.

So guess what he did?! Adjusted my bladder! He just reached right there and gave it a few good twists...how weird is that? But the weirder part is, so far it's worked! No bladder pain all day! Now for those of you familiar chiropractics you might not find this so surprising but I am just tickled pink with the idea....Who knew all these years all I really needed was a Bladder Adjustment and I thought it was my Attitude that needed adjusting!


Kevin said...
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Anonymous said...

Sorry, my last post went through as my husband posting it and that was just odd. I said: This is a really interesting idea! Is it working for you? If so, I need to find myself a chiropractor!
-freecycle friend