Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Well, John Michael decided today was the day to become a big boy. Adora convinced him that only babies wear diapers and if he's going to be a baby then he can only eat baby food...and she made a big kid only Valentine cheesecake. That did it. The diaper came off, the underpants went on and the wait began to see if Bladder of Steel could make it to the potty in time. About half-way through supper he got a funny look on his face, announced that he was about to have wet pants and ran to his little potty (conveniently placed within eyeshot of the dining room table). About a minute later the little potty was full! John took care of his business and returned to the table only to sneak off and back to the potty a few minutes later. As soon as we realized he was missing (hey, with 13 bodies in the house it's not hard to misplace one once in a while) all eyes were on the potty where John was sporting a determined look and proclaimed that he would also be pooping. Sure enough he was right. I asked him to empty out his little potty and after a few too many minutes in the bathroom, I walked in to find him scrubbing the small potty receptacle with the toilet brush - by golly if he was going to be a big boy, he was going to go all out! Well, Bob the Builder was so pleased to hear about John Michael's accomplishment that he once again called him personally to congratulate him. A couple of other sibs got in on the Bob action and Ben swears his voice is a dead ringer for Deacon Jeff but maybe that's just a funny coincidence...Big Boy to the bitter end of the day, John insisted on taking his first shower as well instead of a bath. He did don a night-time diaper with promises of dry, clean pants all day tomorrow to earn him the privelege of wearing underpants to bed too! baby's growing up!

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